Career and Job Fair Checklist

Before the fair:

  • Find a list of employers that will be at the job fair. Keep checking the Career and Job Fairs link for updates
  • Practice your handshake- make sure the handshake is confident, but appropriate
  • Create a new resume or update an old resume. Bring your resume in to the Student Success Center to be reviewed!
  • Make sure to have a notebook and folder, preferably in plain colors, that can be brought to the fair. Make sure to also bring a pen and pencil.
  • Rehearse and know your resume! Also remember to have plenty of copies of your resume on nice paper!
  • Prepare a one-minute "About me" clip to list your professional and long-term career goals!
  • Research the company before arriving. The recruiter may ask questions about the company. It is best to be prepared with well-rehearsed answers!

During the fair:

  • Arive early to the fair to get oriented with the layout of the job and career fair and to ensure a parking spot.
  • Do not bring your phone if at all possible. If a phone must be brought, double and triple check that the phone is on SILENT.
  • Take a few minutes before entering the fair to make sure that clothes are neatly pressed and do not have dirt on them and hair and hands are clean and dry.
  • Make sure to walk the fair alone and not in a group. Employers may not like students who travel in a group. You may arrive with others, but networking should be done alone.
  • Be enthusiastic! A smile and calm demeanor says a lot about you.
  • Be prepared to discuss your career goals. Be ready with what you would like to do as a career and your ideal workplace.
  • Ask meaningful questions about the job or workplace. Ask one or two questions in a quick, but meaningful time frame. This is not the time to ask questions about salary.
  • Always request a business card and ask for the best method to do a follow up with the company.
  • Thank the employer or recruiter for their time

After the fair:

  • Make notes of all the employers that you met with. The notes should be taken when done with the talking to the company. The notes can be written on the back of the business card or in a notebook.
  • Keep a record of all of the employers that you talked to at the job fair.
  • If possible, send a Thank You note or e-mail.
  • Be persistent with in a follow up with the company. Be sure to follow up using the companies procedures they may have outlined to you.